Buhari and Mark Zuckerberg ' s Visit.

The Present administration have been traveling all around the world, the President breaking record as about the most travelled African President within 15 months in office. what has always been the justification of these numerous wasteful trips?  SEARCHING FOR FDI.
In one of these numerous foreign trips the President told the world that Nigerian is "Fantastically corrupt". He earlier told the world that Nigerians in diaspora are criminals. He has told the world severally how Nigeria is not safe,  and these sayings from the Chief marketer of the brand NIGERIA has droven away many foreign investors and intending investors.

Now back to the subject of this note; how do government attract FDI? you attract or run into the big portfolio foreign nationals that has a large war chest of capital to invest, and seize the opportunity to lure them to invest in your economy by assuring them of favour business climate and protection for investment amidst many more benefits of investment.

Mark Zuckerberg went to Italy and the PM of Italy seized the opportunity to lure him to invest in Italy and the end result was that Facebook will be providing a state of the art GPU server to an Italian Research Institute named University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, to aid their artificial intelligence and computer vision program. this is according to an update on his page. Who will benefit from this great investment?  The students and faculty will benefit directly while the nation will enjoy the end product.

He came to Nigeria after the Italian trip. I will come back to his visit to Nigeria latter.

Fast forward to His visit to Kenya today.
He left Nigeria to Kenya today and the smart Cabinet Secretary of Information and Communications without waiting for him to hit the Kenyan road for a morning juging seized the opportunity to sale the government laudable programme of providing Internet access and plans of connecting all Kenyans. Of course this plan will be pleasing to the ears of Mr Mark as it captures the vision of his business empire. He must have been assured that the government will help protect his investment if he considers Kenya as an investment destination.

Rewind to his visit to Nigeria.
He came to Nigeria and the President who has been flying up and down looking for Foreign investors, directly or indirectly could not reach out to a possible and viable investor and sale the brand NIGERIA. This is a man who some couple of months announced his intentions to invest in Africa. This is a man who has what it takes to  give a favorable or demeaning PR to the nation.
Lagos state commissioner of information was not living up to her bidding by letting the golden fish swim through her waters without at least an attempt to catch the fish. Can't the state strike a business deal with the $54.1 billion worth investor?
Thanks to the individual entrepreneurs who seized the opportunity to build business relationship and possible future partnership with Facebook.  Am happy he was sincere enough to tell the  world that our President lied when described Nigerian youths as corrupt and as  criminals. He saw the energy and ideas and the greatness untapped in the youths and was amazed. he felt the peace of the street and proved that Nigeria is safe for Foreign investors. Did I see him walking round with military personnel? Hail NO.
Mark Zuckerberg has succeeded doing to Nigeria's image within two days what the numerous foreign trips of this Present Administration cannot do in 15 months.  He has sold the good and better side of our youth and business environment to the world. He has reassured foreign investors of security and safety while doing business in Nigeria. He has inspired the youth and watch out for our own Mark in few years from now. Thank you Mark for all these impacts.

What is the essence of flying to Europe and America to market your product when you cannot market same product to a big customer that comes straight to your shop?

Make me the Minister or Commissioner of Trade and Investment and see if I will miss this kind of opportunity. Take the bold step first and leave the rest to God. After all has any of their numerous foreign trips yielded anything other than mass exodus of foreign firms. Increasing rate of unemployment and retrenchment of workers.

Happy new month joor and  May you not miss any golden opportunity this month just as Buhari and Co did last month.

Paul Kalu

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