Love and Dating How to make relationships thrive, according to psychology

Because the list of relationship rules can 'never' be exhausted, here is how to enjoy a lasting, healthy relationship, from a psychological angle.

The question of what makes a relationship thrive can never be completely addressed in a simple article.

Even a book might never be enough to do complete justice to the subject, but this has not stopped us from talking about all the best possible means to enjoy the best unions.
Experts, religious leaders, celebrities, and the list goes on and on. Everyone has an idea of what should be enough to make partners stick together for long.
So, it is only normal that psychology, that part of science that tries to understand the human behavior and mind, should have a thing or two to help in understanding how to make relationships work.
According to Dr. Ralph Ryback on the Psychology Today website, there are 5 common things that every couple can't do without if their relationship is to grow and stand the test of time.
Dr. Ryback realises that the list is incomplete but emphasises that these 5 are part of the topmost

1. Create your own happiness

Do not be dependent on your partner to be your source of happiness. Discover your own happiness and stick to it because ultimately, everyone is responsible for what makes them happy.
The joy your partner brings into your life will only be additional, not the only one.

2. Be honest and transparent

Dr. Ryback says “even the happiest and healthiest people become upset at times, so being transparent with our emotions and words can prevent future misunderstandings that could escalate into arguments.”

3. Show a willingness to compromise

Life is all about balance, and relationships should be too. However, one partner may be requiring more attention at some point than another, and it is that partner’s responsibility in that instance to compromise to alleviate your partner’s stress can really bring positivity to any relationship.

4. Self-care

Shared interests are important in relationships, but it is also important that individuals take time to themselves to partake in one of their favorite activities to enjoy their ‘me times,’ which is basically their way of never forgetting how to be alone.

5. Your relationship first, your feelings second

Putting the relationship first should be the barest minimum for anyone who is in a relationship.
Not your feeling, but the best thing that’ll keep the relationship running, the best thing for both of you.
If partners put this in mind, they’ll surely be careful to avoid saying or doing something they’ll later regret.

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