Beauty Tip Of The Day All you should know for easy daily foundation routine
In recent times foundation application has gotten a bit more easier but a lot of ladies still struggle with flawless application for daily wear.
foundation application, it's best to know first what product works; for
an oily skin a water based foundation is best and for dry skin for
instance an oil based one might be best. For wear one should consider
coverage; full, medium or sheer which usually depends on the state of
the skin.
Note that if the skin is
blemished or plagued with breakouts it shouldn't be masked with
foundation but be treated first -in fact most times it's best to let the
skin breathe by staying off makeup to help clear those areas of the
skin- before proceeding with foundation and the rest of the face makeup.
should sit 'skin perfect' on the face meaning it should blend
seamlessly into the skin and other areas as the hairline, ears, neck
area to create a perfect canvas for other makeup product.
Whether using a foundation brush or beauty blender, product (foundation) should be worked into the face in gentle strokes in a way where it's pushed in gently into the skin.
With the foundation
brush gently work around areas of the face for seamless coverage
pushing product into the skin in a downward stroke where when applying
with beauty blender, product should be pushed in gently into the skin in
short dabbing strokes.
Note that If wearing a light foundation, you can build up application to get a medium or full coverage effect or till the desired coverage is achieved.
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