The Holy Spirit - Why do I need the Holy Spirit

One of the first things the Holy Spirit does is he takes the love of God and makes it personal. It no longer is “He loves the world, but does he love me?“. You will begin to realize how precious you are as a person to God. You will know first hand the amount of care, compassion and planning that God has put into your life and how he continues to monitor each and every tiny detail about you. The Holy Spirit makes you feel special, the more you get to know Him, the more you need Him.
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
— John 14:26

The primary purpose of the Holy Spirit is to reveal Jesus to you, he gives you power and boldness to spread the Gospel. You are no longer ashamed to share God with others. There are a lot of other ways in which He makes your life better. Given below is a list, which can be verified with scripture, but is not complete. There are other unique ways that he helps you which are left out for you to discover.
He b­rings God’s presence to you, your relationship with God gets really deep and soon becomes the best part about your life.

He ­teaches you God’s Word (The Bible), you begin to understand things like never before, you also begin to hunger for more.

Your ­prayer life is transformed, you pray much better and when using the gift of tongues you prayers are guaranteed to be effective. The quality of your prayers will amaze anyone listening, even yourself at times.

You receive peace, you are not disturbed easily, the things of this world no longer affect you as they used to. You become a much more stable person, emotions like anger or depression don’t affect you like they used to.

He can reveal the future to you, if you are mature and know how to handle what he tells you, He will show you things before they happen.

The Holy Spirit restores and renews you, he picks you up when you sin. He refreshes you when you are tired and weary.

Gives you wisdom and understanding which is not humanly possible. He allows you to see through people and into their real motives and also look past situations and see the big picture.

He increases your faith. You will begin to expect and see a lot more miracles in your life. You can notice levels of faith that was never possible before he came into your life.

He improves the quality of your life, the starting point does not matter, he increases your intelligence, your physical strength and energy levels. This is an overflow of the life from your spirit flowing through your soul into your physical body.

He b­rings you to your inheritance, he helps you mature as a Christian and over time you begin to realise just how much God has done for you. As you experience it, your love for Him increases and your praises, thanksgiving and worship become a lot deeper.

He brings about excellence in your life, when the Holy Spirit is in control of your life there is no room for mediocrity, he takes great pleasure in bringing excellence in your life in whatever you do. Over time your life will become so fantastic, that just by looking at you many people will be drawn to God. He makes you a Champion in life !!

Some of these benefits become immediately apparent, a few of them begin to manifest over a few short months, but the best of them need time to develop, sometimes years. The key here is don’t ever give up, treasure and cherish your walk with God and honour and respect the work of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit also helps you when you decide on tough situations in your life. He can help answer questions like

Who has God chosen to be your life partner/spouse in this life. You can choose your own but it will never match up to what God has in store for you.

When to stick on to your current job and when to move on to the next job or task God has in store for you. God’s timing and wisdom is perfect.

How to solve problems relating to people or situations or tasks/projects that you may face from time to time in your business or career or study.

How to handle issues in your marriage and in your other relationships. What is impossible for you is possible with God.

How to respond to crisis in life like if you lost your job or if your business is doing badly. Sometimes the problem itself may not vanish, but you begin to grow and the problem begins to look small and you get the strength to deal with it.

When to share Jesus (The Gospel) with someone and when not to. This is very important, it is possible that you may scare people off or push them farther away if you don’t know how and when to bring Jesus up. The Holy Spirit lovingly guides you.

Keep thanking him for what he is already doing, don’t get greedy, and don’t grieve him. You are sure to be amazed at what he can do with your life.

Real Life Inspiration

There were a couple of young business men who designed a great product. They successfully prototyped it and reached the second stage where they were looking to start mass producing this product. That’s when they met a man online who claimed to be an intermediary or an authorized agent of this huge manufacturing firm in China. The young entrepreneurs were excited, their idea was finally coming to life.
They initially wired some money to the intermediary and they got the first cut of the samples and they were happy with the results. They had a few more rounds of revisions till they were happy with the quality and finish of the final product. They were ready to take the plunge and bulk produce their invention. That’s when they received a check in their spirit, they had this strong urge to actually visit China. Everything seemed normal on the outside but deep down they had a feeling that something was amiss.
The Holy Spirit prompted them to make the trip, so the two partners flew to the address given to them in China. Once they reached they asked around about the person and the firm, to their shock and horror they realized that the whole thing was a scam. Everything was fake including the company, its address and the other details the intermediary shared with them. The person himself disappeared once he realized they were in China.
They were saved from certain ruin, they were planning to deposit a huge sum of money to the account of the agent. It would have had disastrous consequences for them both personally on their families and for the young company they were building. Luckily they built this firm with their sweat, blood and prayers. They had the guidance of the Holy Spirit with them throughout and that made all the difference.

Life Application

Pray and ask for guidance before taking important decisions in life

The Holy Spirit can give you knowledge and wisdom when you are solving difficult problems

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