Today: Seeds of Destiny ‘The Way of the Blessing’ by Pastor Paul Enenche

Topic: The Way of the Blessing (Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional) Wednesday 20 March 2019 by Pastor Paul Enenche of the (DIGC) Dunamis International Gospel Centre.

SERVICE OBJECTIVE: Understanding what it takes to access the Blessing of God
The Bible makes it clear that in Christ Jesus we are potentially blessed (Gal. 3:13-14; Eph. 1:3)
But the fact is that not every child of God is walking in the reality of the Blessing


The way of uprightness (Ps. 1:1-3; 5:12; 24:3-5; Job 1:1-3)
The way of uprightness is the way of blessedness but the way of crookedness is the way of cursefulness.
The upright cannot escape the blessing of God and the crooked can never access the blessing of God
The way of Divine guidance (Gen. 12:1; 13:2; 26:1-2, 12-14; Isa. 45:1-3; 48:21)
The way of Divine guidance is the way of Divine abundance but the way of assumption is the way of frustration.
When you are guided you can never be stranded; when you are directed you can never be frustrated
If you want the Blessing of God, find out from God what He wants you to do.
Don’t make a move or take a step when you have lost your peace.
The way of absolute obedience (Gen. 12:1-3; 13:2; Deut. 28:1-2; Luke 5:4-6; Isa. 48:18; Ps. 68:6)
There is a connection between obedience and abundance and there is also a connection between disobedience and deprivation
The obedient will access peace like a river but the disobedient will dwell in a dry land (Isa. 48:18; Ps. 68:6).

The path of Divine direction is the path of total satisfaction
The way of giving (being a blessing both to God and to man) (Gen. 12:2; Acts 20:35; Mal. 3:10-11; Gen. 14:18-20; Ps. 41:1-2; Prov. 19:17)
When you refuse to exist as a blessing, you have refused to access the Blessing.
The giver is always at a higher level than the receiver (Acts 20:35)
a. Giving to God (Mal. 3:10-11; Gen. 14:18-20)
b. Giving to the poor and the less privileged (Ps. 41:1-2; Prov. 19:17)
The way of submission to priestly authority (Num. 6:23-26; Heb. 7:7)
This refers to submission to pastoral and prophetic authority
Priests are supernatural channels of the Blessing
When you release submission you get transmission; connection brings collection, and association brings assimilation
Whenever God has placed a person in your life as priest or prophet, ensure not to get too familiar as familiarity destroys connectivity; there must be a sense of value in order to connect virtue
The way of praise and gratitude (John 6:11-12; Ps. 67:5-7; 1Cor. 10:10; Joel 1:11-12; Hab. 3:17-18; Phil. 4:4; Eccl. 9:4)
Appreciation brings elevation; appreciation brings multiplication
To be grateful is to be great and to grumble is to be grounded
To grumble is to continue to struggle
To grumble is to continue to struggle (1Cor. 10:10)
You can enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going
Joy is not a gift, it is a choice
The way of scriptural light (Deut. 29:29; Isa. 60:1; Matt. 16:17)
i. Revelation leads to possession and light brings a lift
What is not revealed to you cannot be released to you
ii. What you see out of the Word of God determines what you will see out of life

The way you follow determines the place you will end

  • Divine peace and tranquillity (Prov. 10:22)
  • Divine protection (Job 1:10; Isa. 65:8)
  • Divine health and vitality (Ps. 41:1-3; 3John 1:2)
  • Generational greatness (Ps. 112:1-3)
  • Transgenerational transfer (Gen. 22:15-17)
  • Divine wisdom
  • Divine favour (Ps. 5:12)
  • Divine strength and energy (Ps. 29:11; Gen. 14:14)
Father, thank You for Your Word to me today. To You be all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
  1. Be just
  2. Function in the fear of God
  3. Do what you can defend before God.
  4. Let not profit or gain be a driving force; let conscience and integrity guide all actions even at gunpoint.
  • Healing for the judiciary
  • For the fear of God to pervade the legal profession
  • For the right people be appointed in the right positions
‘Father we make demands on healing for the judiciary, and for the legal profession in Nigeria – for the bar and for the bench in Nigeria Lord, in Jesus’ Name.’
‘Father, let the fear of the Lord invade the judicial system and legal profession in Nigeria. Let the fear of the Lord and Divine order invade this profession in Nigeria, oh Lord, in Jesus’ Name’
‘Father, help us to get it right in Nigeria in the judiciary. Let the dignity of the legal profession in Nigeria be restored, in Jesus’ Name.’
‘Father, in the Name of Jesus, we surrender the justice system and legal profession in Nigeria into Your Hands, take it over. Let Your fear pervade the system and let the dignity of the legal profession be restored. Let judgments that are just, real and honest begin to emanate from the court at all levels. Intervene Lord for a healthy respect between the arms of government, in Jesus’ Name.’

  • Your hands shall not be empty!
  • Everything that is yours for the month of March, I declare it is released into your hands
  • Systems shall lose their peace, sleep and rest until what is yours enters into your hands
  • Miracles and testimonies that are specific to the Glory Dome shall be your portion
  • Between 24hours, they shall look for your credentials and look for you!
  • Anything missing in your life, I declare instant restoration!
  • The angels that minister upon this altar, may they give you your testimony!
  • Every premature death organised for you in this season, I declare it is returned back to hell!
  • You will not die carelessly! You will not die another person’s death!
  • You will not die by another person’s mistake!
  • Everything that is an expectation in your life today, your God and my God will do it for you!
  • That burden you came in here because of enemy threat and conspiracy. I am anointed to announce, that conspiracy is arrested!
  • Dry bones shall rise again! There is a restoration of health, resources, and welfare!
  • The spirit of rejection and discouragement is leaving right now!
  • There is a Balm in Gilead! There is a healing coming from you!
  • No devil can give you cancer! That pain and symptom in the hand, today they return back to hell!
  • Every spirit of death or cancer that followed you up to this point is arrested and returned back to hell!
  • Everything the devil has blocked in your life is opening up right now!
  • Every affliction from the pit of hell or arrow fired into your life from hell, today they backfire to sender!
  • Every liability that followed you from your mother’s womb, today, they shall expire!
  • Every embarrassment of your life, today, it is over forever!

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