keys to supernatural elevation (obedience)

Text: Deuteronomy 28:1-13, Job 36:11, Isaiah 1:19, Joshua 1:8
Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 28: 1
"And it shall come to pass, if you shall hearken diligently on to the voice of his commandment which I command thee this day, the lord our God will set on high above all Nations of the earth."

From the Greek stand point of view, the word obedience means to obey and trust. it means to trust and totally summit to God.

One one of the ways of attracting spiritual dimension of prosperity is obedience if you want to go far you must be obedient to God and to the word of his servant. When you obey the word of God you are obeying God and when you obey your pastor you are obeying God, because your pastor is the physical God you are seeing. Anytime you are disobeying your pastor you deny yourself his grace.

Obedience is an art submission is an attitude obedience is visible and physical but submission is invisible and internal. Real obedience has to do with total submission when you obey God you receive his blessings but when you are totally submissive to God you became the owner of his blessings it takes total foolishness to be submissive. That means obey God and the word of his servant whether it makes sense to you or not.

-Delayed obedience (Trying to do it in your own time).

-Incomplete obedience (As in the case of Saul. 1Samuel 15:1-23).

-Selected obedience (Obeying the part that makes sense to you leaving the rest).

-Complete obedience (Submitting totally to the word of god whether it makes sense or not). That is the kind of obedience God is looking for. (1Samuel 15:22).

People believe more in faith than obedience. But there is no faith outside obedience. Obedience is the proof of your faith. The proof of your faith is your ability to obey God. Obedience is greater than faith. It is the key to your blessing. You can't do without obedience and succeed, but you can do without faith and succeed. Faith is the outcome of obedience.

The blessing of God is available for everybody, but it's only obtainable by those who are obedien to him. Obedience is like input, faith is like output. When you are willing to obey, you have access to the blessing.

  Written by:
Aka Divine Transformation
#6 Ejezie Street, off 12 Ohanku Road 
Aba, Abia State.
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